<aside> πŸ’‘ If you would like to try it out yourself, we need to whitelist your address. Please send a quick message on telegram to @johanneskern93


What is it?

The NerifBridge is a tool that allows to send arbitrary messages between 5 different EVM chains without any central counterparty. It is a proof of concept on which can be built to enable true cross-chain functionality of dApps.

How does it work?

The contracts are deployed on the following addresses:

Chain chainId Sending Contract Receiving Contract
Gnosis Chiado 10200 0x27A2e01B62f0C36D5861e5AA326587D91a46e0d9 0x3e445DaFaaBCd9EB5722a04abdA29D19bE911CDb
Linea Testnet 59140 0x3e445DaFaaBCd9EB5722a04abdA29D19bE911CDb 0xFD3F335782597D1af8bFA21eCb69ACAFffaa458E
Polygon Mumbai 80001 0xCee6C37b02B41b49190690d80c6D6d4940965d53 0x4AF67E3bFdA703E9Ec37c1BAaA3E545d7672DDa3
BSC Testnet 97 0xdf020bC81C8297A65D9078d1a07Af8487a151904 0x9e90cD63740B3740ABd56912685e20Fb15EDbE64
Ethereum Goerli 5 0x14db3E6698427e58Ff23fA513ddA9B9c94B79c6c 0x5c28D9e3928d997E2abf0255A0ce0De8D156fC87

1.) Find the chain you would like to send the message from:

Chain Contract with Explorer
Gnosis Chiado https://blockscout.com/gnosis/chiado/address/0x27A2e01B62f0C36D5861e5AA326587D91a46e0d9
Linea Testnet https://explorer.goerli.linea.build/address/0x3e445DaFaaBCd9EB5722a04abdA29D19bE911CDb
Polygon Mumbai https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xCee6C37b02B41b49190690d80c6D6d4940965d53
BSC Testnet https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0xdf020bC81C8297A65D9078d1a07Af8487a151904
Ethereum Goerli https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x14db3E6698427e58Ff23fA513ddA9B9c94B79c6c

2.) Via Write Contract authenticate yourself and then use the β€œsend” function with the following settings:


<aside> πŸ‘‰πŸ» This example configuration is sending from Polygon to Gnosis Chain, if you want to send to another chain, use the respective chainId and receiving contract as shown in the table above:


2.) See where you receive the message on the chain of your choice:

Chain Contract with Explorer
Gnosis Chiado https://blockscout.com/gnosis/chiado/address/0x3e445DaFaaBCd9EB5722a04abdA29D19bE911CDb
Linea Testnet https://explorer.goerli.linea.build/address/0xFD3F335782597D1af8bFA21eCb69ACAFffaa458E
Polygon Mumbai https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x4AF67E3bFdA703E9Ec37c1BAaA3E545d7672DDa3
BSC Testnet https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0x9e90cD63740B3740ABd56912685e20Fb15EDbE64
Ethereum Goerli https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x5c28D9e3928d997E2abf0255A0ce0De8D156fC87

The message is emitted as an event on the receiving chain (this is the example from above https://blockscout.com/gnosis/chiado/tx/0x47730ff7b4b353aea700053a5f06d6e033eaf3d11ad844ac48d708b3837fddbf/logs):


At the same time an email is sent out to us (we hardcoded the receiver email for now to avoid the possibility of abuse).

But why?